About Us


Hello! We are Tami and Richard and we are the husband and wife masterminds behind HallowThreads.  Tami is the creator and constructor of all handmade sewn items.  Richard helps with purchasing unique fabrics and lending his creative mind to complete fun items.   HallowThreads was started in 2017 when Tami wanted to do something that would relax her mind after a long day at work.  The business name is a blend between our favorite holiday and wedding day (Halloween) and the #1 item needed to sew (thread).  When HallowThreads started, it was strictly blankets and placemats. Boy, has the business grown! Tami works as as EMT/Supervisor for an ambulance company and Richard works in IT for a laboratory.  Both enjoy creating items on their time off as a way to decompress and have fun together. The company continues to grow more than either of us could ever imagine!  We look forward to bringing fun and spooky themed items to you as the business continues.